Thursday, April 3, 2008

i need to take my own advice!

i posted awhile ago i need to blog more, and i really do. i have so many things i make and want to share and i always forget to blog!

well big news myself, and 2 other friends have made a forum for scrapbookers & paper crafters. most of the people on the board are other cafemomers, so this was kind of new to them! but i have some of my best buds on there as well! nana, Terry and jo have joined me-yay!

so here is the link to let's scrap!

alot has happened, i have been working on alot of things! i am finally caught up with my swaps and hope to scrapbook more now. on my own things and things to sell. i have been slacking lately. so here are some things from me!
ok for some reason i cant post the pics the way i want to, anyone have a solution for that? they always are uptop and that doesnt make sense! anyways thanks for looking!


Anonymous said...

It's great that you're caught up on your swaps! I can't wait to see them. We miss you.